
The Genesis Centre
7555 Falconridge Blvd NE #10, Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
Please use following link to view venue_map


Permanent ID card (Jama’at ID card) is required to enter Jalsa Gah at all times. If you need a replacement Jama’at ID card, please contact your Local president.


For accommodation with members of Calgary Jama’at, please register here


Waqaar Ahmad (Nazim Accommodation)
Ph.403 966 7972

In Hotels on Payment

There are a number of hotels available close to the Jalsa Gah or Baitun Nur Mosque.
A limited number of rooms are available on negotiated rates at these hotels
Note: Hotel rates vary based on when the booking is made and at which hotel. Please check with the hotel of your choice if special room rates are available. Please use promo code mentioned beside every hotel on the hotels page to get negotiated rates. The rates are subject to change without notice.


Ali Mirza (Nazim Hotel)
Ph. 403-797-0555


General Parking

There is enough parking stalls at Jalsal Gah.
Members who have difficulty driving can park at designated parking areas and take shuttle service to Jalsa Gah

Handicap Parking

Limited spots have been reserved and made available on a first come first serve basis, closer to the Men and Ladies entrances to Jalsa Gah. All you need to do is to bring your Government issued Handicap Pass.


Friday Aug 9: Lunch and dinner will be served during Jalsa Salana at the Baitun Nur.
Saturday Aug 10: Breakfast, Lunch and dinner will be served at the Jalsa Gah. (Tea will be available at all times)
Sunday Aug 11: Breakfast and Lunch will be served at the Jalsa Gah and dinner at Baitun Nur Mosque. (Tea will be available at all times)
Note: These services are not available during the sessions of Jalsa Salana.

Exhibition & Bookstall

Interesting and informative displays about Islam- Ahmadiyyat will be setup. Books & literature  about Islam- Ahmadiyyat will also be available for purchase.


Wireless headsets will be available at Translation Desk.

Information Desk/Lost & Found

Items found, but not claimed during Jalsa will be transferred to Baitun Nur Mosque Mosque.
To help this service, please write your name, address and contact telephone on a tag attached to such items which may possibly be misplaced e.g. bags, brief cases, strollers etc.
Parents are encouraged to put name tag with contact details on their young children.
It is advisable not to bring valuables or large amount of cash at Jalsa Gah.

Medical Facilities

First Aid team will be present at both the men and women Jalsa Gah. If you are on any medication, please carry it with you during the Jalsa.
Members are requested to carry their health insurance cards with them. In case of minor needs, please contact first aid stall.  For emergencies call 911 and report to first aid stall.


Dr. Mahmood Nasir (Nazim First Aid)