Baitun Nur Mosque

04:30 AM
Tahajjud Prayer
05:15 AM
Fajr Prayer and Dars

Jalsa Gah

09:30 AM
Breakfast at Jalsa Gāh
10:45 AM
Flag Hoisting

First Session

11:00 AM
Recitation from the Holy Qur’ān, Poem and Translations
11:20 AM
English Speech: The impact of the Holy Qur’ān on our our daily lives
Maulānā Sa’d Hayat Bajwa Ṣāḥib(Murabbī Silsila, Saskatoon)
11:40 AM
Urdu Speech:حضرت مسیحِ موعود علیہ السلام کی اپنی جماعت سے توقعات
Expectations of the Promised Messiahas from his Jamā‘at
Abdul Bari Chaudhary Ṣāḥib(Nā’ib Amīr, Western Canada)
12:00 PM
Qaseedah and Translation
12:10 PM
English Speech: Living within our Means
Naeem Lakhan Ṣāḥib(Local Amīr, Vancouver)
12:35 PM
English Speech: What is the Pleasure of life if He (God) is not found?
Maulānā Abdul Rashid Anwar Ṣāḥib(Missionary In-Charge, Canada)
01:05 PM
Announcements / Lunch
03:20 PM
Zuhr and ‘Asr Prayers

Second Session

03:45 PM
Recitation from the Holy Qur’ān, Poem and Translations
04:05 PM
English Speech: The Khalifa is appointed by God
Maulānā Hafiz Atāul Wahāb Ṣāḥib(Murabbī Silsila, Calgary)
04:30 PM
English Speech: Acceptance of Prayers in our Age
Mir Majeed Ahmad Tariq Ṣāḥib(Local Amīr, Calgary)
04:55 PM
Awards of Academic Excellence
Dr. Tauseef Ahmad Khan Ṣāḥib(Secretary Ta‘līm Canada)
05:10 PM
English Speech: The Universal Quest for a Savior
Maulānā Hanan Ahmer Sobhi Ṣāḥib(Murabbī Silsila, Edmonton)
05:35 PM
Urdu Speech:
راہبرِ امنِ عالم : حضرت محمد مصطفیٰﷺ
The Leader of World Peace: The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
Maulānā Hadi Ali Chaudhry Ṣāḥib(Nā’ib Amīr, Jamāʻat Ahmadiyya Canada)
06:00 PM
06:15 PM

Baitun Nur Mosque

04:30 AM
Tahajjud Prayer
05:15 AM
Fajr Prayer and Dars

Jalsa Gah

Third Session

09:30 AM
Breakfast at Jalsa Gāh
11:00 AM
Recitation from the Holy Qur’ān, Poem and Translations
11:20 AM
English Speech: Navigating Life as an Ahmadi Muslim in Canada
Maulānā Zahir Ahmad Ṣāḥib(Murabbī Silsila, Calgary)
11:40 AM
Urdu Speech: تربیتِ اولاد میں والدین کا کردار
Role of Parents in Pious Upbringing of Children
Maulānā Khalil Ahmad Tanweer Ṣāḥib(Murabbī Silsila, Regina)
12:05 PM
Question & Answer Session
Those members who wish to ask a question are encouraged to submit their questions using the following link:
01:00 PM
Announcements / Lunch
02:30 PM
Zuhr and ‘Asr Prayers

Fourth Session

02:55 PM
Recitation from the Holy Qur’ān, Poem and Translations
03:15 PM
Prayer Request for Deceased Member
03:25 PM
English Speech: Exploring Gender Identity through an Islamic Lens
Dr. Faheem Younus Qureshi Ṣāḥib(Nā’ib Amīr, Jamā‘at Ahmadiyya USA)
03:55 PM
Concluding Address (English & Urdu) Attaining Excellence: Identity of Ahmad Muslims
Lal Khan Malik Ṣāḥib(National Amīr, Jamāʻat Ahmadiyya Canada)
04:25 PM

Following is the program for the ladies session.
The rest of the program will be held in the men’s Jalsa Gāh

Ladies Session

03:45 PM
Recitation from the Holy Quran, Poem and Translations
04:20 PM
Academic Awards Ceremony
04:35 PM
English Speech: Looking for the One True God in a World of Many Idols
Nadia Mahmood Ṣāḥiba(National Sadr, Lajna Imā’illah Canada)
04:55 PM
Urdu Speech: تقویٰ: غیر اسلامی رسم و رواج سے پرہیز
Taqwa: Abstaining from Un-Islamic Customs and Traditions
Amatul Mateen Ṣāḥiba, BC Region
05:10 PM
Poem and Translation
Urdu Speech:
قرآنِ پاک:عصرِ حاضر کے اخلاقی امراض کی شفا
The Holy Quran: A Cure for Modern Day Ailments
Hiba Tul Muniem Ṣāḥiba, Calgary Region
05:40 PM
English Speech:
Khilāfat – A Means of Peace
Ayesha Rasheed Ṣāḥiba, Prairie Region